Kritika prekladu 2021 v. 2/2

Vydanie: 2/2

ISSN: 2729-8418

Počet strán: 105

Počet zobrazení: 141

Rozhovor s Imrichom Nagyom

Autor: Vladimír Biloveský, Kubuš Martin
Abstrakt: Doc. Mgr. Imrich Nagy, PhD. (*1972), pôsobí na Univerzite Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici. Venuje sa výskumu humanizmu a renesancie v dejinách Slovenska a sprístupňovaniu novolatinského písomníctva slovenskému čitateľovi. Je autorom prekladov diela Erazma Rotterdamského a troch častí Belových Vedomostí – o Trenčianskej, Oravskej a Zvolenskej stolici.
Kľúčové slová: rozhovor, Imrich Nagy, Matej Bel
str./pp. 7 - 24

ЧУДО И ЧУДОВИЩЕ (К проблемам перевода повести Н. В. Гоголя «Страшная месть» на словацкий язык)

Autor: Лариса Сугай – Владимир Биловески
Abstrakt: This study deals with the two translations of Nikolai Gogol’s story Страшная месть from Russian into Slovak. The story has been translated into Slovak twice by Zora Jesenská in 1942 and by Dana Lehutová in 1989. The conceptually significant components of the text, rooted in its lexico-phonetic features – in particular, the paronyms чýдный and чуднóй and the ideological opposition of the images of чýдо and чудовище – are not recreated through different language means in either Slovak translation, despite the possibility of conveying Russian words in Slovak by transliteration.
Kľúčové slová: literary text, literary translation, Gogol, lexical nest чудо – miracle, paronyms, rhythm, tone painting
str./pp. 26 - 44


Autor: Lukáš Bendík
Abstrakt: This paper brings together two key concepts of translation studies. It provides insight into the link between the interpretation of the literary text and the experiential complex of the reader/translator and situates them primarily in the context of translation criticism. Drawing on the work of a wide range of philosophers, translation theorists and literary critics, the aim of this paper is to emphasise that there is no such thing as objective interpretation, objective translation, or objective translation criticism.
Kľúčové slová: interpretation, literary text, experiential complex, translation crit- icism, translator, reader
str./pp. 46 - 64


Autor: Marián Kabát
Abstrakt: Agile localization, as a new type of localization is promising to be fast, flexible and free of any severe errors (Phrase 2020). Such claims need to be tested. The present article looks at a software product that was agile-localized. After an introduction of basic terminology (e.g. agile, waterfall) and a presentation of positives and negatives of agile localisation, the results of a comparative analysis of the English original and the Slovak localization of Pinterest app for Android. The analysis focuses on the factor of time, which plays the key role in agile localization. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be said that even agile localization is not without errors, since the human factor is present in this process as well.
Kľúčové slová: localization, agile localization, software, agile development
str./pp. 66 - 78


Autor: Jana Ukušová
Abstrakt: The aim of this paper is to assess the subtitling quality in the Slovak dubbed version of the French audiovisual work La famille Bélier (2014) by analysing the selected aspects of the Slovak subtitles. Despite being dubbed, the Slovak version employs subtitles in several scenes, such as those with sign language. In the theoretical part, the specifics of the analysed work and the main criteria for quality assessment of interlingual subtitles are introduced, drawing on the work of Bittner (2011), Kuo(2014), Pedersen (2017) and Vázlerová (2015). In the practical part, a qualitative analysis of selected aspects of the subtitles is carried out both at the linguistic and formal level, with a specific focus on translating songs and meeting the requirements of the segmentation and condensation strategies. The results of the qualitative analysis show that, while the majority of translation solutions were, in terms of song translation and condensation strategy, considered adequate, several shortcomings were identified with regard to the segmentation of the subtitles, which may hinder the optimal reception of the subtitles by the Slovak viewer.
Kľúčové slová: subtitling, dubbing, analysis, quality assessment
str./pp. 80 - 94


Autor: Hedviga Kubišová
Abstrakt: Panta rhei – všetko plynie, všetko sa mení. Meníme sa aj my a naše vnímanie sveta, ale tiež jazyková krajina okolo nás. V závere roka 2021 bola zásluhou editoriek A. Ďuricovej a J. Laukovej v spolupráci s Jednotou tlmočníkov a prekladateľov v Prahe vydaná pozoruhodná publikácia Od textu k prekladu XV. 2. časť. Linguistic Landscape.
str./pp. 98 - 103